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Selectmen's Minutes 10/28/08
The weekly meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held on Tuesday evening, October 28, 2008 at 7:30 p.m.

Present:        David L. Walsh, Chairman; Peter A. Hamilton, Clerk; Theresa McNulty
                George Samia, Town Administrator
                Catherine Johnson, Administrative Assistant

Public Hearing

Notice is hereby given that pursuant to the requirements of M.G.L. Chap. 138, a Public Hearing will be held relative to the Application for Transfer of a Common Victualer - All Alcoholic License, as follows:

                        From: Pub 106, Inc.
                                Michael Colby, President
                        To: Heather’s Place, Inc
                                Heather Burnham, Manager
                        Premises: 1300 Plymouth Street

Premises consists of one story wooden building with storage in cellar; Dining Room, Tap Room and Kitchen.

A Public Hearing will be held at the Town Hall, First Floor Conference Room, 175 Central Street, East Bridgewater on Tuesday, October 7, 2008 at 7:35 p.m.

                                                        Theresa E. McNulty
                                                        David L. Walsh
                                                        Peter A. Hamilton
                                                        Board of Selectmen/Licensing Authority

Heather Burnham and Russell Burnham were present to request a transfer of the Common Victualer All Alcoholic License of Pub 106, Inc. Michael Colby, President to Heather’s Place, Inc. Heather Burnham, Manager.

M/Hamilton, s/McNulty, a unanimous vote, approve the Application for Transfer of a Common Victualer - All Alcoholic License, as follows: From: Pub 106, Inc., Michael Colby, President
To: Heather’s Place, Inc, Heather Burnham, Manager, premises: 1300 Plymouth Street.

Departmental Update

Fire Chief Ryon Pratt was present for a departmental update.  Chief Pratt gave an overview of the state and happenings of his department.

Chief Pratt reminded the residents of potential hazards with alternate heating sources, informed them that they can often need cleaning and checking for safety.  Chief Pratt reminded the Board and residents of available smoke detectors to those in need, due to a Fire Department grant.  Chief Pratt further reminded the residents of the need to change batteries in their smoke detectors this weekend, with the time change a perfect reminder, and the need to check condition of smoke and carbon monoxide detectors.

Departmental Update

D.P.W. Director John Haines was present for a departmental update.  Mr. Haines gave an overview of the state and happenings in his department.

Mr. Haines updated the Board on the status and schedule of the water treatment plant project.

Glenn Tattrie of the Capital Improvement Committee was present to state fact that the Capital Improvement Committee could not support the proposition 2 ½ question on the ballot for the November 4th election, at this time, due to the potential financial hardship on the residents.

Ms. McNulty thanked Mr. Tattrie for putting the committee’s recommendation forward.

Open Forum

Ms. Maryann Roan, resident of East Bridgewater, was present to ask the Board their reasoning for not putting the proposition 2 ½ question to the voters at a Town Meeting and to express her disappointment in the Board for their lack of information and advertisement of the proposition 2 ½ question on the November ballot.

Action Item

M/Hamilton, s/McNulty, a unanimous vote, approve the minutes of the October 21, 2008 meeting.

m/Hamilton, s/McNulty, a unanimous vote, to appoint Richard O’Flaherty to the South Eastern Massachusetts Commuter Rail Task Force.

Town Administrator Report

Joel Barrerra of the Governors GIC will be in December 16, 2008 at 6:00 p.m. to give a presentation to the Board and Department Heads.


Board of Health/Partner Home Care Flu Clinic – Saturday, November 1, 2008 – 9:00
a.m. – 11:00 a.m. – East Bridgewater High School.~ For further information
contact the Board of Health office at 508 378-1612.

Taxes due 11/1/08

Absentee voting questions directed to Town Clerk @ 508 378-1606.

SALT Council Meeting, February 17, 2009 – contact the Council on Aging at 508 378-1610.

M/Hamilton, s/McNulty, move to close Open session and go into Executive Session for the purpose of discussing personnel matters and litigation issues and to not return to Open Session.

VOTE: Yes – Walsh, Hamilton, McNulty; a unanimous vote in favor.

Meeting adjourned at 9:35 p.m.

Board of Selectmen